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World Magnesium Forum 2013
March 20-22, 2013 Hangzhou, China
World Magnesium Forum 2012
March 28-30, 2012 Xi'an, China
- OverviewMore
- In 2013, magnesium industry saw shutdown, reorganization and adjustment. Fugu Magnesium Industry Group operating cooperatively companies led to an ascending price against the market, and helped the company to obtaine the discourse power and pricing right gradually. However, can Chinese magnesium industry turn around successfully in this situation? And can the cancellation of the export duty help to largen the application of magnesium metal in downstream markets?
- End-users started to build trader relations directly with domestic producers as demand from international market continued to decline with business margins , which issued challenges to intermediate traders. In addition, Customs policies of downgrading exchange rates and raising ocean freight added fuel to the fames to magnesium traders with the result that some participants had envisaged a dead line while others had turned to other fields.
- Unprecedented pressures see both challenges and opportunities. Hence, magnesium manufacturers familiar with market disciplines and trend will make the best use of capital, information and new supply mode ahead of time in order to gain an advantage over the future reform.
- ProgramMore
Mar. 26 Wednesday 16:00-19:00 Early Registration 18:00-20:00 Welcome Dinner Mar. 27 Thursday 08:30 Sessions Registration 08:50-09:00 Opening Speech 09:00-09:30 Policy Orientation and Situation Analysis of Domestic and Overseas Macro Economy in 2014 Liqun Zhang, Director of Marco-economy Research Department Chinese State Council Development & Research Center 09:30-10:00
A Western Buyer’sView Alain Dery, Marketing director Standard Resources Corporation 10:00-10:30 Coffee Break 10:30-11:00 Survival Status of Shaanxi Mg. Plants Daniel Chu, Manager of Trading Department YulinTianlong Magnesium Co., Ltd. 11:00-11:30 Application Achievements and Aseptic Technique of Magnesium Alloy Auto Parts Jianyong Cao, General Manager ChongQing Sun Magnesium Co., Ltd. 11:30-12:00 Progress in Light-weight Application of Magnesium Alloys for Vehicles GaofengQuan, Professor, Doctorial Supervisor Southwest Jiaotong University 12:00-14:00 Lunch
- ContentMore
- ♦How to stand up to repeated shuffles despite of severe competition?
- It is necessary for Chinese magnesium industry to avoid dependence on primary products and pay more attention to developing potential domestic market through cooperation and innovation, new magnesium alloy product development and deep-processing industrialization upgrade, in order to make full preparations for entering international market with high value-added products.
- ♦Duty on magnesium ingot and alloy has been cancelled since January 1st, 2013, how did the cancellation act on the application and development of magnesium metal in overseas markets?
- On January 1, 2013, Chinese abolished 10% export tariffs on magnesium and alloy being implemented from 2008. The abolition of tariffs will reduce price range between magnesium and aluminum products which will be conducive to expand the application of magnesium all over the world.
- ♦Development opportunities and challenges of magnesium industry
- Producers keep utilizations at a low level and traders are faced up to challenges as demand declines and prices decrease in an unfavorable economic environment. At the same time, procurement and supply are full of uncertainties due to negative Customs policies, sharp fluctuations of exchange rate and great increase of ocean freight. Magnesium market sees development opportunities as participants can control the market maturely despite of expectations of sunset magnesium industry from sunrise one. Strategic metal industries are faced up to challenges from shrinking demand and declining prices as global economic crisis continues. However, unprecedented challenges mean opportunities at the same time. How to deal with various tests calmly and realize successful transformation are most concerned issues for insiders at present.
- ♦To promote auto light weight effectively
- As the second largest auto producer in the world, China in bearing worse energy problems and environmental pollution. Hence, promoting auto light weight is the potential decision scheme to increase energy utilization in China.
- Registration RatesMore
Rates AM members USD2280 Non-members USD2480 Account name: Asian Metal Ltd
Account number: 802012717208091001
Swift Code: BKCH CN BJ 110
Bank: Bank of China Beijing Guang Hua Lu Sub-Branch, 1/F Haiguan Building,10 Guanghua Road, Beijing China