• Cobalt Chloride 24%min Delivered Chinaup(1000)  02-28|Cobalt Oxide 72%min Delivered Chinaup(3)  02-28|Ferro-chrome Cr 60%min, C 0.1%max In warehouse Pittsburghup(0.06)  02-28|NdFeB Sintered Rough N52 EXW Chinaup(5)  02-28|Antimony Ingot 99.65%min In port Indiaup(80)  02-28|Cobalt Sulfate 20.5%min Delivered Chinaup(700)  02-28|Cerium Oxide 99.9%min EXW Chinaup(250)  02-28|Lanthanum Oxide 99.999%min EXW Chinaup(300)  02-28|Silicon Metal 3-3-03 P 30ppm max Ex-VAT FOB Chinadown(-50)  02-28|Cobalt Metal 99.8%min Delivered Chinaup(4)  02-28|Lanthanum Chloride 99.9%min EXW Chinaup(50)  02-28|Lanthanum Oxide 99.9%min FOB Chinaup(20)  02-28|Prebaked Anode S 3%max FOB Chinaup(20)  02-28|Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min FOB Chinaup(0.15)  02-28
  • Vanadium Titanium has applied for resumption of listing

    2018-03-28 11:58:54   [Print]
    According to reports, after the suspension of listing for one year, Pangang Group Vanadium Titanium Resources Co.Asian Metal Copyright07% YOY; got net profit of RMB863 million, up by RMB6.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd.Asian Metal Copyright The report stated that the major reasons for the great changes YOY in the above-mentioned indicators were the major impact of the major asset restructuring in 2016 and increased profits led by uptrend of market prices for vanadium and titanium products in 2017.Asian Metal Copyright ("Vanadium Titanium") successfully turned losses into gains, and has filed an application to Shenzhen Stock Exchange for resuming listing.

    On March 27, Vanadium Titanium released report which showed that the company achieved revenue of RMB9.436 billion in 2017, down by 11.Asian Metal Copyright The report stated that the major reasons for the great changes YOY in the above-mentioned indicators were the major impact of the major asset restructuring in 2016 and increased profits led by uptrend of market prices for vanadium and titanium products in 2017.Asian Metal Copyright07% YOY; got net profit of RMB863 million, up by RMB6.Asian Metal Copyright .Asian Metal Copyright851 billion over the previous year.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd.Asian Metal Copyright The report stated that the major reasons for the great changes YOY in the above-mentioned indicators were the major impact of the major asset restructuring in 2016 and increased profits led by uptrend of market prices for vanadium and titanium products in 2017.

    .Asian Metal Copyright07% YOY; got net profit of RMB863 million, up by RMB6Asian Metal Copyright
    Vanadium Pentoxide Powder 99.5%min EXW China
    Vanadium Pentoxide Powder 99.5%min EXW China RMB/mt
    China vanadium pentoxide powder producers' sales to production ratio statistics by province by month
    Unit: %
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