• Copper Conc. TC 25%min CIF Chinadown(-1)  03-19|Sodium Pyroantimonate 58.4% Delivered Chinaup(5000)  03-19|Antimony Conc. 50%min Delivered Chinaup(8000)  03-19|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min Delivered Chinaup(8000)  03-19|Antimony Trioxide 99.8%min Delivered Chinaup(8000)  03-19|Cobalt Metal 99.8%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(0.5)  03-19|Antimony Ingot 99.65%min EXW Chinaup(8000)  03-19|Ethylene Glycol Antimony 57%min Delivered Chinaup(5000)  03-19|Antimony Ingot 99.85%min EXW Chinaup(8000)  03-19|Cobalt Oxide 72%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(0.5)  03-19|Cobalt Metal 99.8%min In warehouse Baltimoreup(0.5)  03-19|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min FOB Chinaup(800)  03-19|Cobalt Chloride 24%min Delivered Chinaup(1500)  03-19|Cerium Carbonate TREO 45%min, CeO2/REO 100% FOB Chinaup(50)  03-19
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    Monthly Manganese Ore and Alloy Market Report Nov 2021

    2021-12-13 08:37:47   【Print】
    The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
    Please contact us for a subscription.
    1.Market Highlights

    As the prices of downstream products decreased sharply this month, the prices of imported manganese ore declined this month.

    Most suppliers cut their prices of silicomanganese 65/17 given weak demand and decreased cost of raw materials, the prices of silicomanganese 65/17 and silicomanganese 60/14 dropped sharply from last month.

    Chinese HC ferromanganese prices decreased this month dragged by lower purchase prices from end consumers. Chinese MC and LC ferromanganese prices decreased due to lower prices of raw materials.

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